Thursday, May 10, 2012

Holy Cannoli

Yesterday it seemed like I was ready to quit my job and open a cannoli stand on a corner downtown.  I'd save lots of gas that way, but I wouldn't be happy.

Because the truth is I love teaching.  Even with all the stress and the grading and the emails and the repeating and the missing assignments and the bad attitudes and the begging for mercy and the crazy, it's the best job in the world. 

When I'm in front of a class I become a different person; I'm  not nearly so crazy in real life, but I love the person I become.  I love to watch teenagers learn and to hear what they're dealing with and to see them grow.  

So even though a cannoli stand would be a much tastier way to earn a living, it sure wouldn't be near as fun or rewarding.

Now, please excuse me so that I can fall into the bed and try to sleep until it's time to wake up and be to work by seven because in case you forgot: MY TO DO LIST IS CRAZY! (and things got added to this list today, but I'll spare you the nasty details--I can't bear to speak of it).

Good thing I love my job.

I hope you love yours too.

P.S. This is day fifteen of my twenty-one day blogging adventure. Two weeks down; one to go!  I'd say it's going well. You know, except for that I'M FREAKING OUT BECAUSE MY TO DO LIST IS CRAZY IMPOSSIBLE.


  1. Love having a post from you in my blogroll everyday for the past two weeks! Don't forget how you eat a bite at a time. You've got this!

  2. Thanks, Melanie! I like that about how to eat a whale...It'll all get done one way or the other.

