Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Snippets

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all..."
--Emily Dickinson


"Surgeons must be very careful
When they take the knife!
Underneath their fine incisions
Stirs the culprit, --Life!"
--Emily Dickinson


"Let not the steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;
bind them around your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart."
--Proverbs 3:3


"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."
--Anaïs Nin

Friday, January 28, 2011

July 22, 2010: We Rehearsed...

The wedding rehearsal was surreal.  One groomsman was violently ill, another was missing, and we'd forgotten to bring the marriage license.  We didn't start on time; I got the evil eye from many for not adequately publicizing that there would be cameras; after running around and worrying and wanting everything to be perfect, I just sat down.  I gave up.  I talked to my friends and my family and my soon-to-be groom.  I let it all go; I was happy.

Everything started and finished just fine, except that I never started paying attention.  I had someone else play my part and walk down the aisle; I answered a few questions and changed a few things; but, other than that, I remained unconcerned.  I had finally resigned to the fact that no matter what happened in that chapel on Saturday, everything would be fine.  Maybe it would've been helpful to listen to Mr. Lou talk about what was going to happen, but I didn't.  Maybe I should've sat closer to the front so that I could interject my thoughts, but I didn't.  I just sat and watched and started to understand.  I started to understand that Hub and I really were getting married.  I started to understand that all of the preparations and stress and worry and fun had come down to this.  It was time.  It was time for me to decide that the memories surrounding my wedding weekend would be fun and joyous and entertaining and stress free as possible. So, I decided that I was done worrying and perfecting.  Things would turn out alright.  The good Lord would take care of me, of us, and He did.  Of course, He did.

When I write down all these feelings I had and these decisions I made in a one hour time span, it sounds so serious and deep, but it wasn't.  I was bored.  I was ready to leave.  I already knew about everything that was happening because I had played the tape in my head over and over of what my wedding would look like.  I knew everything would be just fine, just beautiful because I'd already seen it a million times.  Finally, I was confident that everything really would be absolutely, positively perfect.  And I understood that any piece of the wedding that didn't turn out absolutely, positively perfect would be out of my control, anyway, and probably wouldn't matter in a week's time.

It was a beautiful revelation.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thank You Isn't Good Enough

Remember day before yesterday when I said I'd be back tomorrow to talk about my bridal party?  It looks like I meant the day after tomorrow which would be today which would mean I'm right on schedule.  Right?  Right.  Okay, here we go.

This picture of all of us outside the chapel and the one on the beach are two of my absolute favorites from the wedding.
Aren't we all just precious? ;)

Here I am with all of the boys. Starting with the upside down one and going clockwise, you have: Jakie, the Prince, Dubbie, Tylando, Will D., Jimmy(the one you can barely see), Ando, and Caber.
The bridesmaid's didn't get as crazy, perhaps due to the dresses.  I don't want to leave the impression that they're lame or anything because they're pretty awesome.  Starting from the left: Kanis, Too, Hub, the Princess, Kitty, Tater, and Charles.

UNRELATED TO POST: Perhaps I should add  a little note about nicknames.  I use many, but not all, of these nicknames in real life.  Mostly the girls' are real and useable, the boys' are a little less so.  I go with nicknames on my blog because I don't think it's fair to plaster someone's name all about the internet.  I just thought you'd like to know that. :)

I conceived this whole notion of appreciation for my bridal party to start off the posts about my wedding quite a while ago. The execution of this, however, has been a little tricky.  I had a million different ideas, and every, single one of them seemed inadequate.  Finally I realized that I can't adequately describe how much these lovely ladies and gentlemen mean to me.  Each of them contributed to the fun of the wedding weekend.  They weren't just there to take up space.  They were there because Hub and I love them all very dearly.  These people are more than friends; they're our family.  They're my brothers and sisters.
Each of them, in their own special way, has taught me what true friendship is and what it means to be able to count on people. I feel so blessed that my bridal party ended with these very special people in it; I feel so blessed that my bridal party ended up containing the people I truly wanted to stand next to Hub and I as we took our vows.
I consider it an honor that each of them so enthusiastically agreed to participate in the wedding festivities, but, more than that, I consider it an honor to know each of them.  They are beautiful men and women who will change the face of this earth for the better.

Monday, January 24, 2011

6 Months, and I Forgot.

Hub and I have been married six months today! Don't worry, that's not what I forgot.  These past six months have flown by, and I've enjoyed every  minute.  Except those minutes I was really, really sick after our honeymoon. Since it's been six whole months and my mouth has been shut about it, I think it's time to talk about my wedding.  Right after our wedding, we went on a cruise for a week, drove to Atlanta, then to Arkansas, packed all our stuff, some sickness was trying to kill me, moved to Louisville, and good gracious I was too exhausted to talk!  Believe it or not, my friends, that last sentence is no exaggeration.  It was a whirlwind, maybe 25 whirlwinds.  I can't be certain.  After we got settled I wanted to write about our wedding, but I didn't know what to say.  Things like, "IT WAS SO COOL!!!" "It was the most funnest ever!" "Hub and I were married in a fairytale setting.." etc, etc.  just didn't seem right.  I needed time to process.  I think I've had plenty, so here we go.  If you'd like to read about how it all got started, click here for our engagement story.  (If that' link isn't working for you, I'm sorry. I don't know why.  If you're still curious, check out October 2009. The Ouachita Trial. )

On another note, I forgot to post Sunday Snippets yesterday because I'm a failure at life.  Actually, that's not true. :) I forgot to post Sunday Snippets yesterday because this apartment has turned into Project City.  When you figure out all the different projects I spent my weekend on, you'll forgive.  Mostly I'm just talking to my dad.  He hounds about these things.  Anyway, more on Project City later.

Stop by tomorrow for some Bridal Party Appreciation. :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Birthday Extravaganza

Hub woke up earlier than anticipated, which was still not early enough because I had already been up for almost an hour.  (Despite my ridiculous amount of excitement, I did not wake him up.  I should get a gold star for that, by the way.  I get a little too excited for birthdays.)  The extravaganza started with a hunt around the house for 24 notes.  One for each year he has lived, and one to grow on.  The hunt didn't last long because our house, which is really an apartment, is not too big, and all the notes were hidden in plain sight.  Once he had found and read all of his notes, he got to figure out the secret message.  See above.
 Then, it was time for presents.  Yes, one of his presents was a Bop It.  Who says 23 year olds can't have a little fun too?
 Next, we had blueberry muffins for breakfast before heading out for the day.  We went to the movies for a double feature.  We saw Little Fockers and The Dilemma.  Both movies were a good choice.  After our day at the cinema was complete, we headed to The Egg Roll Machine for dinner.  Delicious, as always.
I wanted to get a picture before we left for the day, but that didn't happen.
Since he was the birthday boy, I won't make a big deal about it, but let's just say
it wasn't my fault. ;)
When we weren't pleased with any of the shots we got using the camera's timer, Hub resorted to the good ole hold-out-your-arm-and-hope-for-the-best-method.  Not too shabby, I guess.
Also, I should point out that just because a person turns 23 does not mean that he always cooperates during photo opportunities, hence photos 4 and 6.  I should point out, too, that I double checked my wedding vows, and they didn't say anything about not posting silly pictures of your spouse for the world to see, hence photos 4 and 6.

Overall, the Birthday Extravaganza was a smashing success.  
I can't wait for next year.
(I told you I have a problem with too much  excitement over birthdays.)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Husband.

My husband is the kind of man that people say no longer exists.  He opens the car door for me and always remembers his pleases and thank yous and never lets us go to sleep angry.  He cleans up the kitchen and takes out the trash and always remembers to dust.  He is funny and he can dance if he wants to and he is better at ironing than I am.
Five years ago he climbed into my heart and made a home there.  Marrying him was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  It is an honor to be his friend and his wife.  My greatest fear is losing him, and my greatest hope is that he will be immeasurably blessed.
I would walk to the ends of the earth with him because I know he would never stop protecting me or loving me or laughing with me.
I hope the next twenty-three years are even better than these.
Happy Birthday, Hub!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Snippets

"...and tied 'round the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words "DRINK ME" beautifully printed on it in large letters.  'No, I'll look first,' she said, 'and see whether it's marked 'poison' or not,' for she had never forgotten that, if you drink from a bottle marked 'poison,' it is almost certain to disagree with you sooner or later."
--Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll


"'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so much surprised that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English)."
--Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll


"Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
Honor the LORD with the firstfruits of all your produce;
then your barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will be bursting with wine.
My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline or be weary of his reproof,
for the LORD reproves whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights."
--Proverbs 3: 5-12, ESV


"Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger."
--James 1:19, ESV


"We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
--The Constitution of the United States of America  (Yes, I was really reading that this week).


"That's what I love about reading:  one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and that tiny thing will lead you onto another book, and another bit there will lead you onto a third book.  It's geometrically progressive--all with no end in sight, and for no other reason than sheer enjoyment."
--The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Corn Fritters, Fingernails, and the Rest of My Week

This week has been a good one.  I'm finally back into the swing of things after my perhaps way-too-long Christmas break.  I started back to work last week and back to school this week.   Don't get me wrong here; my break was fantastic.  I enjoyed days that could be used for completing any task I desired or no task at all.  It's probably one of the last times in my life I'll have a break like that, so I soaked it all up, and by the time it was over, I was ready to move on.

Since this week was nothing short of eventful but not really exciting either, I thought I'd share some of the happy and not-so-happy happenings.

Here we go:

--For dinner one night this week, Hub and I decided we would have appetizers.  If you don't have appetizers for dinner, let me just say, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? It's a grand idea because you get to eat some of your favorite food that otherwise you wouldn't be eating unless someone was having a party and happened to be serving your favorite party food.  See the beauty of having party food for dinner? :)
One of the appetizers that made the list was corn fritters.  I love a corn fritter.  Hub loves a corn fritter.  It was going to be perfect.  Until it wasn't.  Something went wrong, and it is safe to say that I can't make a corn fritter to save my soul.  Since I'm trying to unmuddle myself (see yesterday's post), I'm trying not to let this bother me.  Anyway, during the attempt at corn fritters, some oil popped around my skillet screen and hit some fingers on my right hand and my face.  My face felt hot; my fingers hurt like crazy.  Now, my hand looks fine, but I have three red, circular dots on my face that look disgusting.  I'm putting Neosporin on them about every five minutes, so I'm hoping they heal quickly.

--Friday, January 14 was NOT mine and Hub's anniversary this year, but as far as being a couple goes, we are five years old  now.

--At work on Thursday, I was trying to unbutton a little girl's onesie to change her diaper and one of the snaps ripped into my thumbnail.  The rip is below the quick, and I don't want it to come off and be  painful, so I've been supergluing it.  Neat, I know.  I've only superglued the entire nail to the skin once.

--Hub's birthday is Monday, and I can't wait! :)

--The internet got fixed this week.  I know I've already spent too many posts talking about that, but I'm still excited.

--We got our Apple TV up and running.  Awesome. :)

--I think I might use :)s too much.  Oh, well.

--Hub picked me up from class on Thursday night, and we went out to eat at Qdoba.  It was delicious and quite fun.  Hub even found a dollar next to the parking meter, so it was free to park.  I love little joys in life.

--Now that I've typed it all out, it looks like nothing much happened this week. Oh, well; I don't have time to worry about it though because I have a busy day ahead.  I'm preparing for Hub's Birthday Extravaganza, and we have homegroup tonight.  Don't tell him though, about the Birthday Extravaganza; he already knows about homegroup.  What he doesn't know is how super cool his birthday is going to be.  Oh, and don't worry about him reading it here.  He doesn't read my blog, but other than that he's a pretty good husband. :)


Friday, January 14, 2011


There is something magical about the beginning of a new year.  It's a time for wrongs to be righted, sins to be erased, bad habits to die, good habits to be born, lives to change, things to get better, resolutions to be made. I know the birth of a new year isn't the only time these things can happen.  I get it; we can change any time we want to.  Just because it's May doesn't mean we have to wait until January to start brushing our teeth at least once a day, or whatever it is we need to do.  I know all of these things, but, to me, there is still something attractive about starting a new year with a new, improved version of yourself.  Unless, of course, you don't need any improvement, which happens to be the category I fall into.  Just kidding. :) 

So, my resolutions for 2011 are as follows:

1. Drink at least one glass of water daily.
--Look, I know it's not a lot, but it's more water than I drank last year. :) Also, see Resolution #2.

2. Only make resolutions that are feasible for where you are right now.  Do not promise yourself that you'll to learn to fly while talking on your cellphone in the middle of a snowstorm.  You'll just feel disappointed and give up all hope.  This is not code for taking the easy way out.  This is permission to love who you are, where you are.
--In previous resolution lists I've had the bad habit of creating goals for myself that weren't anywhere close to realistic.  From 2011 on, I'm done with that.

3.  Take more pictures.
--I tote my camera almost everywhere; I just have no follow through.  Would you like to see some pictures from Christmas?  Sorry. You can't. That's right; I don't have any.  See the issue here?

4. Unmuddle your self.  Be who you want to be.
--I believe that there are many different versions of every self.  (If you don't, please don't tell me because the first month of a new year is no time for an identity crisis.  Maybe give me a call in August.)  
For example, one version of myself is organized, clutter free, and manages her time wisely.  Another version of myself  is a poor manager of her time and feels as though she is always a day late and a dollar short.  Yet another version of myself is quick to anger and slow to listen to her opponent; she uses her quick and fiery to tongue to prove her point and get her way; it doesn't matter if she's right or not because, she is rarely, if ever, wrong.  A fourth version of myself  is kind and patient, maybe a little too empathetic.  Another one is melancholy and frequently struggles to enjoy or find value in her life.  Believe it or not, there is another version who is happy and generally content with life; she can almost always see the good in people and always strives to find the optimistic view of a situation.  
I'm sure I could go on, but you're probably a little worn out, especially if you were convinced I was angelically perfect.
Despite all of these versions, I believe that a person can choose the composite self she wishes to be.  I think that previously I have refused to decide which has resulted in the birth of a muddled self.  This muddled self is not the self I want to be because, well, for one, she's all muddled up, and, most importantly, she is not the best version of myself.  You see?  I just need to unmuddle.  So, in 2011 I am searching all of my versions and combining their qualities, while throwing a few out with the garbage, to create a better version of myself.  A version of myself I can be proud of. 
I also must say that I believe the best versions of our selves are our true selves.  The selves God created us to be. 
This resolution doesn't mean that at the conclusion of 2011 I will be a perfect person with no other characteristics to work on or personality traits to tweak.  This unmuddlement is just about making a conscious effort to be the person I want to be, the person I am supposed to be.

**Every time I typed "resolution" or "resolutions" in this post I had to go back and corrected because I had originally typed "resoluation"or "resoluations."  Perhaps my unmuddled self will have better typing skills. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Joy to the World/Connection has Come

This morning the internet man came.  He walked in our office, looked around, and declared, "There is nothing I can do."  Hub and I were astonished.  Baffled.  BUT, we were most certainly NOT speechless.
"Are you sure?"
"The last guys that came said it could be fixed."
After a little more prodding, he visited the office and returned with a lady who is the majority of the maintenance staff here.  She was on our side.  She fought for us, bullied the internet man around a little bit. I like her.  She took the internet  man on a trip around the apartment and the hallway, making all sorts of good suggestions.  Mostly just rubbing in his face that she knew a little bit about this line running, and she knew enough to know he hadn't done a thorough job. Take that internet man.  After all this bullying, he said he didn't have what he needed to fix the problem, but he would come back on another appointment.

I felt defeated.  I almost cried.  Not because of another day without internet, but because I have my first online class today starting at 4:30, and I really didn't feel like hanging out at Barnes and Noble for two hours.  Then, I got angry.  This problem was supposed to be fixed THREE appointments ago.  Did I really need to make another one?  I don't think so.  We passed ridiculous a long time ago, and I was fed up.

So, I called the internet people.  The person of the internet people I talk to is Kim.  I wish I could send Kim cookies.  Anyway, I called Kim.  I told her the history, the current story, my issues.  I used my polite, businessy voice with just a hint or two of tiss.  The tiss was to get my point across.  Trust me, with the internet (and cable) people around here, you can't get anything done without a hint of tiss.

After I concluded my tale of woe, Kim said, "Well, it looks like someone was already out there today?"

"Yes." I replied, "he came and then left because he didn't have the appropriate drill bit."

"Well, ma'am, I'm sorry to tell you this, but it says that fixing your issue would require drywall damage,      and the apartment manager won't allow it."

"That's not right."

"I'm sorry.  I know it's frustrating, but we see this a lot in apartment complexes."

"No.  Management gave it a go.  The tech guy left because he didn't have the right part.  He said he would come back.  I'm just calling to make sure we get a new appointment because we've had a little trouble with that in the past, and I'd like to make sure the tech that comes for the new appointment understands that it's going to be a difficult job, and I need him to be qualified."

"So, wait.  The apartment management said he could do what he needed to do to fix the issue?"


"You know what?  This isn't okay.  He'll be back as soon as possible and with his supervisor.  When is a good time for you?  I'm so sorry about all of this."

"It's okay.  As soon as possible is good with us."

"Okay, let me check the schedule.  I can't believe he falsified his report.  I'm so sorry this is happening.  Mrs. Hubbard, don't you worry.  We will get this problem resolved.  How does Friday sound?  11:30-2:30?"

"Sounds great.  Thank you so much."

"It's no problem at all.  I'll call you back to confirm that I've booked the appointment with your management, and please let me say again that the same tech will be back on Friday WITH his supervisor, so you should NOT run into ANY problems."

We ended the phone call with the usual niceties, and then about ten minutes later, Kim called back.

"Hi, ma'am.  This is Kim, with the internet people.  Will you be home for the rest of the day?"


"Okay, great.  The tech will come back today with his supervisor as soon as possible.  It shouldn't be more than an hour."

"Oh, wow.  Thank you SO much."

About thirty minutes after my chat with Kim, the tech returned with his supervisor.  They scurried around and asked me questions about my laundry room, looked up and down the walls.  I could sense a feeling of failure in the air, and I prayed that somehow our troubles could be fixed.  After a little more looking around, the two men came upstairs to the office.  I think they were arguing over who would have to tell me there was nothing to be done.  Then, like magic, a suggestion flowed from my lips, and the supervisor was on the ground, pulling things out of my closet.  Once he'd made a fairly large mess, the real magic happened, and a secret outlet was discovered.  The levels were checked.  They were good.  The modem was plugged up to the new outlet, and all was well with the world.

I thanked the tech guys about fifty-five times before they left, and just as they shut the door, I bolted upstairs to watch Safari navigate from one website to the next.  I think that's how Hub and I will be spending our free time for a while, enjoying the beauty of a solid internet connection.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

the internet has been down, and I don't feel so good myself.

December 20, 2010, started out as any other December day.  It was chilly outside, and I decided to browse the internet during some of my morning's spare time.  I logged on the computer.  I opened Safari.  I typed my desired address.  Nothing.  I sighed.  I tried again.  Nothing.  I sighed.  I unplugged the router.  I counted a s l o w thirty seconds just to make sure enough time had passed before I plugged it back in.  I closed Safari.  I reopened Safari.  I typed in my desired address.  Nothing.  Again.  I unplugged the router and began again with my s l o w counting.  This time to sixty.  I plugged the router back in.  I closed and reopened Safari.  I typed in my desired address.  Nothing.  My eyes widened.  My hands began to shake. A cold sweat appeared on my brow.  I felt disoriented.  Where is my internet?  The beloved stealer of my time.  The one who helps me connect with friends and read the news.  Where has she gone?  I got creative and unplugged the modem.  I waited.  I plugged it back in. I went through the usual routine.  I think you get it by now, right?  Nothing happened.  It was terrible.

It's been a long 19 days.

Last night, two men dressed in blue uniforms came to fix the problem.  Guess what?  They didn't.  They provided a temporary fix; the real fix is coming soon, but they'll need to start in the morning because there is going to be "pretty significant drywall damage."   Drywall damage?  Doesn't bother me. I just want the internet to work.  Need to take my pinky toe, my right ear lobe, my left knee?*  Doesn't bother me.  I just want the internet.  *That was a joke.  So was that stuff earlier about the shaky hands.*

Hopefully, the little fellows in their blue uniforms will come back soon because school is close to starting, and internet access is required for my classes.  I mean, how can I take an online class offline?  I hope you're seeing the issue here.  It's starting to get stressful.  It was okay to be internet-less over break, even though I was itching to blog and browse and whatnot, but I survived.  In just a few days, internet access will transform from a simple luxury to a necessity.  My education depends on it!  (How's that for dramatic?)  

Well, now you know where I've been and why I never wished you a happy anything this holiday season.  I hope your holidays were filled with joy, love, and entertainment.  Mine certainly were.  I am looking forward to a 2011 filled with worry-free access to the internet.  After all, I have lots of things to talk about.  For example, it's a new year (didn't you hear?), resolutions, Christmas, driving adventures, opportunities, hopes, etc, etc, etc.

P.S.  I typed this yesterday, and just as I was ready to hit "PUBLISH POST,"  the internet went down.  I'm living a vicious cycle here.