Friday, May 28, 2010

Passing Time

This is a picture of my bed my first year in college when I was a wee freshman. This is before I had made the girlfriends who would become my family, my sisters. This is before I learned how to really study. This is before I knew that whatever life threw at me, I could handle it.

It seems like it's been more than just two years since I slept in Cathcart 105, but in the same strange way it seems like just yesterday that I moved in and made this bed for the first time. Isn't it funny how time passes quickly and slowly all at the same time? I think so.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not the Graduation Post.

I wanted my next post to be about graduation, seeing as how it was a pretty big deal and all, but, due to technical difficulties, I do not currently have access to pictures from my graduation. (And how in the world could I write a good post about graduation without the proper pictures? That's right; it just isn't possible.)

So, here I am, blogging about nothing in particular because my blogging schedule dreams were shattered. Okay, okay, I admit it; it's not that big of deal, but when I get things in my head I like to stick with them, which is why I've basically refused to blog until now because I couldn't write the perfect post describing my graduation experience.

I like blogging, and I promised myself that after graduation I would make more time for it, have more well thought-out posts, and accomplish blog goals.... Well, maybe I could accomplish blog goals if I had them. Hmm...maybe I can get some of those soon. (Just know, I'm seriously doubting this thing about blog goals). I only have one blog goal, and that is to actually do it, blog, regularly.

Really, this post was written only to get me started back to blogging after not blogging about graduation. More exciting things are coming. . .I think. . .I hope.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Remember way back when I talked about the g-word for the first time? I do.

Well, the inevitable has come, and I'll be g-wording tomorrow. That's right, tomorrow is Graduation Day.

Finally, I can use the word "graduation" without fear and trembling; I can speak it freely without coding it into some nickname like g-word.
Here is how I'm feeling:
(Hand #1): I'm excited; I'm thrilled; I'm proud of my accomplishments.
(Hand #2): I'm scared; I don't know how to be here; I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

I remember feeling all of these same things when I graduated from high school, so I'm a little more comfortable being in this place again.

It's funny how these past three years have moved slower than the speed of smell, yet they've soared by so quickly I'm not exactly sure where the time went. Paradoxical, I know, but that's just how life is, my friends.

My time at HU has been fantastic. I've made friends; I've made family. I've learned. I've grown. It's been exciting. It's been boring. It's been everything I thought it would be. It's been completely different than I anticipated. It's been all sorts of things, mostly good things.

I know this post has just been a hodgepodge of my thoughts, but, at least for now, that's all I've got.