Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Snippets

I read a lot. It's in my nature, my blood, my DNA; reading is what I do, whether I want to or not. (Usually I want to).

I read textbooks. I read journal articles. I read labels in the grocery store. I read labels at home. I read news articles. I read the buttons on my remote control. I read novels. I read my calendar. I read magazines. I read short stories. I read emails. I read poems. I read the sticker on the side of my wireless router. I read street signs. I read flyers. I read wall posts. I read inspirational quotes. I read blogs. I read websites. I read Daily Factoids. I read descriptions. I read Facebook messages. I read handouts. I read instructions. I read the Bible. I read tweets. I read information. I read license plates. I read text messages. I read syllabi.
I read everything.
I read a lot.
(I told you so).

I read so many things every single day of my life, and all the things I read that I find funny or inspirational or silly or interesting or worth remembering I want to blog about.
This poses a problem. Well, a few problems.

Problem Numero 1: How am I supposed to write a post for every one of the millionjilliontrillion things I read and find funny or inspirational or silly or interesting or worth remembering?

Problem Numero 2: WHEN in the world am I going to craft all of these blog posts?

Problem Numero 3: I would never be able to blog about anything else. My blog would be consumed by the millionjilliontrillion things I read and nothing else. I don't think I want that.

Problem Numero 4: What if I can't think of anything to say about this 'thing' I've read? What if I just want to share it?

See all these problems? (I know it's only 4, but still).
I have a solution.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and neighbors, I bring you

Sunday Snippets
(This is where you applaud and say "wow" "yay" "woohoo" and excited phrases of the like)
(Yes, you still do all of this even though you don't yet know what Sunday Snippets entails)

Now that you're all calm, cool, and collected again, let me tell you about Sunday Snippets.
I'll post Sunday Snippets on Sundays.
(Maybe that was too obvious.)

Throughout my week I'll collect a few of the millionjilliontrillion snippets that I found funny or inspirational or silly or interesting or worth remembering and post them here. Maybe I'll comment; maybe I won't.

It'll be a great way for me to share snippets of all of my reading that I've enjoyed (or found quite unenjoyable), and I'll always have something to post on Sundays (because I know you can't stand it when I don't post at least once a week ;)

Come back for the first set of Snippets next Sunday.
(If you want to).

I'll get to collecting.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stored Up in My Brain

Some time ago, a friend of mine (I probably call her 'Too') demanded to know if her suspicions about me were correct. She suspected that I narrated my life inside my head.

I guess it was a fair question.

Anyway, I don't. Narrate my life in my head, that is. I never have. Is it weird that I don't? Do you? Is it weird that you do? I think it probably is.

Anyway, I really don't narrate my life in my head. I mean, I'm living the life, so I don't find narration to be necessary, and that's the truth.

Sometimes comments are necessary, though. You know, comments in my head about what's going on around me. Since maybe everyone doesn't need to hear these comments, I keep them to myself. I think it's better that way. And no, that doesn't mean that I make mean and cruel and hateful comments all throughout my daily interactions. I make all kinds of nice comments, friendly and loving and precious comments even. So, there.

Anyway, narrating in my head is just not my style. What is my style? Blogging in my head.
Is this some kind of joke because I'm blogging right now? Nope. It sure isn't.

I think of all sorts of fun and exciting and wonderful blog posts that would attract ten bajillion readers to my humble internet abode. Well, maybe they would do that, but I can't be sure.

I always think of these fantabulous blog post ideas right before I fall asleep or while I'm in the shower or while I'm brushing my teeth or in the middle of cooking dinner or watching a t.v. show or chatting in my online class. I never think of these fantabulous blog post ideas while I'm actually blogging. It's becoming a problem. I'm starting to think it's possible that these fantabulous blog post ideas only sound so fantabulous in my head and that in real-life-blog-world they might be sub par, and that's probably why I'm always forgetting them. But, I guess we'll never know because it's highly unlikely that any of them will ever make it here.

Anyway, what I do always (ok, sometimes) remember are blog titles. Titles for posts I want to write. Not the titles to all of my fantabulous blog post ideas; all these lovely titles I remember and carry with me for a while before they, too, slip from the grips of my brain matter are for just normal, run of the mill, real-life-blog posts.

Since I carry these little gems with me for a while stored up in my brain before they evaporate into the heavens, I decided to do a project in an attempt to keep them a little longer. I also thought it'd help me with blog post ideas, ya know? I mean, a cool title could lead to a cool post, right? Right? Maybe, maybe-not? That's what I was afraid of. Oh, well.

So, back to my project. I decided to write these titles down. It didn't matter if they were titles for a possible post bouncing around in my brain or if they were just lone titles I thought sounded fun or weird or something. I think you get the drift.

Anyway, here they are. Maybe they'll pop up again sometime when you least expect it. Or when you most expect it. Who knows?

-How Gilbert Got His Name
-A Boy Named Q
-The Pink-Headed Girl in the Snow
-Through the Eyes of Guinevere
-The King & Queen
-The Questionnaire
-The White Watch that Beeps at 2:50
-Mr. H. Giraffe
-My Chocolate Bundt Cake on a Blue Plate
-Sam, He Is
-Are You the New Couple?
-The Twins M
-I Wonder What I Would Have Called Her
-The Girl on the Beach in my Living Room
-I'm Makin' Stuff Up
-A Day I Long For
-I Don't Like to Watch a Car Pass Another
-F is for Frog, P is for Peanut, What's Your Point?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Want to See This.

I want to be here.
I want the wind to whisper in my ear and tell me it's secrets.
I want to watch the colors dance with the tree limbs.
I want to see the sun give way to the silvery moon.
I want to sit on the soft ground.
I want to marvel at the beauty of God's creation.
I want to feel the chill of the fog engulf me.
I want to see this.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How We Spent One Saturday, 9.29.10

The weather was beginning to turn cool, as fall pushed summer out of the air. It was lovely and crisp in the shade. It was our first day of the autumn season, joyfully welcomed after a months of summer heat. We needed a day outside. A day to feel like we really lived here. We needed a day of adventure. A day of fun. A day to remember.

We started out with a picnic under the trees. We ate our simple, yummy lunches quietly, looking around and pointing out the beautiful and strange and funny things around us. We laughed; we ate; we enjoyed.

We decided to explore.

The scenery was beautiful. Nature at her best. Wooden bridges and misshapen trees and curvy pathways and crunchy leaves. We walked and talked and held hands.

We found a tree popular for being carved into. We decided to jump on the bandwagon. Hub found a rock; he carved, and he carved. He carved until our initials were scraped exquisitely inside a heart, just like I requested.
We walked and talked and laughed on more curvy paths until we found our way home.
It was a gorgeous day. A day to remember. A day to fall in love. A day to laugh until the tears came. It was the day we felt at home.