Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting it Together.

Dear Self,

Get with the program; you can do this! Fill out the applications, make the phone calls, read the books, do the assignments, plan the lessons, take care of the relationships, send the emails, say the prayers, sing the songs, smile the smiles, laugh the laughs, and do your best (at ALL of it)!



Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my daily inner dialogue. I'm at a place right now, and it's a place I've never been before. Since I don't like change all too much, new places don't always suit me too well. Rather, I don't always allow myself to be suited. So, my goal for the week is to get my act together because I really, really need to. It is time that I make decisions, stop being afraid of failure, and do what I need to do.

I'll let you know how it goes. Also, I haven't forgotten about the last time I said, "I'll let you know how it goes," so don't think I have.

It is my wish for all of you this week that you can get it together. If you have it together, then it is my wish for you that you'll pray for all of us who are still working on it. :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I started my student teaching at RoomOne this week. So far, I absolutely love it.

Mrs.S, my cooperating teacher, is wonderful. She is enthusiastic about her subject matter, and her love for the students is evident. I am so excited to be able to learn from her.

I have two classes of 9th grade English, one class of 12th grade AP English, and two classes of 12th grade English.

I teach my first lesson to the 9th graders this week; I'll let you know how it goes!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What I'm Reading

Perhaps you've noticed in the What I'm Reading column that Webster's New World Dictionary is listed. That's right, I'm reading the dictionary. One of my goals for 2010 is to read the dictionary, cover to cover.

So far, I'm a little behind, but I am determined to finish the dictionary before the clock strikes 2011.

I know it's a weird goal. It's different and peculiar and unexpected, but it's something that I really, really want to do. One day this terrible thought entered my mind, and I began to believe that there was no way for me to be a respectable English teacher if I had not, in fact, read through the dictionary.

Now, I don't believe that in order to be a good English teacher you have to have read a dictionary; I just believe that in order for me to be a good English teacher I have to have read a dictionary. In fact, I doubt that many brilliant teachers of English have completed this daunting task. However, it's still something that I need to do. So, I chose this year to do it.

Wish me luck. :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Last Saturday, my parents threw an Engagement Party for Jonathan and me. We had a great time! I've posted some pictures from the evening here. Enjoy.

Look at those handsome fellows!

One of our favorite cards of the night! :)
It reads, "First kid named after me???? :) Love, Jim"

My favorite 13 year old!

Tater is so beautiful, inside & out.

Kanis makes me laugh.

Charles is a lovely lady.

Kitty and Too are fantabulous.

**All photos by Mauldin Photography