Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Snippets

I read a lot. It's in my nature, my blood, my DNA; reading is what I do, whether I want to or not. (Usually I want to).

I read textbooks. I read journal articles. I read labels in the grocery store. I read labels at home. I read news articles. I read the buttons on my remote control. I read novels. I read my calendar. I read magazines. I read short stories. I read emails. I read poems. I read the sticker on the side of my wireless router. I read street signs. I read flyers. I read wall posts. I read inspirational quotes. I read blogs. I read websites. I read Daily Factoids. I read descriptions. I read Facebook messages. I read handouts. I read instructions. I read the Bible. I read tweets. I read information. I read license plates. I read text messages. I read syllabi.
I read everything.
I read a lot.
(I told you so).

I read so many things every single day of my life, and all the things I read that I find funny or inspirational or silly or interesting or worth remembering I want to blog about.
This poses a problem. Well, a few problems.

Problem Numero 1: How am I supposed to write a post for every one of the millionjilliontrillion things I read and find funny or inspirational or silly or interesting or worth remembering?

Problem Numero 2: WHEN in the world am I going to craft all of these blog posts?

Problem Numero 3: I would never be able to blog about anything else. My blog would be consumed by the millionjilliontrillion things I read and nothing else. I don't think I want that.

Problem Numero 4: What if I can't think of anything to say about this 'thing' I've read? What if I just want to share it?

See all these problems? (I know it's only 4, but still).
I have a solution.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends and neighbors, I bring you

Sunday Snippets
(This is where you applaud and say "wow" "yay" "woohoo" and excited phrases of the like)
(Yes, you still do all of this even though you don't yet know what Sunday Snippets entails)

Now that you're all calm, cool, and collected again, let me tell you about Sunday Snippets.
I'll post Sunday Snippets on Sundays.
(Maybe that was too obvious.)

Throughout my week I'll collect a few of the millionjilliontrillion snippets that I found funny or inspirational or silly or interesting or worth remembering and post them here. Maybe I'll comment; maybe I won't.

It'll be a great way for me to share snippets of all of my reading that I've enjoyed (or found quite unenjoyable), and I'll always have something to post on Sundays (because I know you can't stand it when I don't post at least once a week ;)

Come back for the first set of Snippets next Sunday.
(If you want to).

I'll get to collecting.


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