Saturday, January 15, 2011

Corn Fritters, Fingernails, and the Rest of My Week

This week has been a good one.  I'm finally back into the swing of things after my perhaps way-too-long Christmas break.  I started back to work last week and back to school this week.   Don't get me wrong here; my break was fantastic.  I enjoyed days that could be used for completing any task I desired or no task at all.  It's probably one of the last times in my life I'll have a break like that, so I soaked it all up, and by the time it was over, I was ready to move on.

Since this week was nothing short of eventful but not really exciting either, I thought I'd share some of the happy and not-so-happy happenings.

Here we go:

--For dinner one night this week, Hub and I decided we would have appetizers.  If you don't have appetizers for dinner, let me just say, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? It's a grand idea because you get to eat some of your favorite food that otherwise you wouldn't be eating unless someone was having a party and happened to be serving your favorite party food.  See the beauty of having party food for dinner? :)
One of the appetizers that made the list was corn fritters.  I love a corn fritter.  Hub loves a corn fritter.  It was going to be perfect.  Until it wasn't.  Something went wrong, and it is safe to say that I can't make a corn fritter to save my soul.  Since I'm trying to unmuddle myself (see yesterday's post), I'm trying not to let this bother me.  Anyway, during the attempt at corn fritters, some oil popped around my skillet screen and hit some fingers on my right hand and my face.  My face felt hot; my fingers hurt like crazy.  Now, my hand looks fine, but I have three red, circular dots on my face that look disgusting.  I'm putting Neosporin on them about every five minutes, so I'm hoping they heal quickly.

--Friday, January 14 was NOT mine and Hub's anniversary this year, but as far as being a couple goes, we are five years old  now.

--At work on Thursday, I was trying to unbutton a little girl's onesie to change her diaper and one of the snaps ripped into my thumbnail.  The rip is below the quick, and I don't want it to come off and be  painful, so I've been supergluing it.  Neat, I know.  I've only superglued the entire nail to the skin once.

--Hub's birthday is Monday, and I can't wait! :)

--The internet got fixed this week.  I know I've already spent too many posts talking about that, but I'm still excited.

--We got our Apple TV up and running.  Awesome. :)

--I think I might use :)s too much.  Oh, well.

--Hub picked me up from class on Thursday night, and we went out to eat at Qdoba.  It was delicious and quite fun.  Hub even found a dollar next to the parking meter, so it was free to park.  I love little joys in life.

--Now that I've typed it all out, it looks like nothing much happened this week. Oh, well; I don't have time to worry about it though because I have a busy day ahead.  I'm preparing for Hub's Birthday Extravaganza, and we have homegroup tonight.  Don't tell him though, about the Birthday Extravaganza; he already knows about homegroup.  What he doesn't know is how super cool his birthday is going to be.  Oh, and don't worry about him reading it here.  He doesn't read my blog, but other than that he's a pretty good husband. :)


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