Wednesday, May 16, 2012

21 Days of Blogging: 5 of the Things I Learned

I made it! Today is the last day of my 21 days of blogging.  I learned lots of lessons and was reminded of a few I already knew on this three week journey to a better blogging self. So, here they are:

1. Choosing to blog every single day during one of the busiest times of your life is crazy but totally worth it.  Since I wasn't thinking clearly when I started this new blogging adventure, I scheduled it during 2 of my busiest weeks of the school year. It's been crazy, but I'm glad it ended up that way. I'm really bad to wait until the perfect time to pick a new adventure or start working toward a new goal.  This is stupid.  There is never a perfect time for most things; everything I haven't been doing is going to be an interruption to my current life.  If I want to try new things, the perfect time is now. 

2. You have time for what you make time for. I'm bad to say that I didn't have time to finish this or start that or work on the other thing.  Sometimes, this might be accurate. Usually, though, it's completely false.  I'm starting to realize just how much time I can waste by being out of time.  I'm not saying you should run around crazy-busy all the time; that's counterproductive.  I'm just saying that the more I make time for, the happier I am and the more time I have.

3. (some of) My students read my blog. When I heard one student explain to another that I had become a vegetarian for the month of May I thought how in Heaven's name did you know that? I forgot I'd put that out into cyberspace for all to see. I think it's precious that some of them read my blog; they're so sweet and encouraging about it.  It only gets weird when they bring it up to everyone else in class, and I have to blush over it.  Goodness.

4. I love to write. I already knew this, but I was sort of forgetting.  It doesn't matter what I'm writing: a note, a reminder, a worksheet, an email, a prayer, a blog post, an article, a paper--I love writing.  It makes my soul feel fresher and my mind renewed. 

5. When I make time for what I need to make time for and when I write, I am a better version of me.

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Blogging every day is over, but don't be sad. I'll be back--frequently.  However, I must take a brief hiatus to complete that to do list I've been moaning about.  See you Saturday...Sunday...Sometime Soon.

Thanks for reading,

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