Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day

Hub and I aren't big on Valentine's Day.  I used to think that when I fell in love that this day of romance and chocolate and roses and candy hearts would be a favorite of mine.  Turns out, I was wrong.  

I think Valentine's Day is sweet and all; I'm not a total cynic.  Plus, I  love to watch people act all mushy and stupid.  (Maybe the stupid was too harsh; sorry.)

Valentine's Day just doesn't work for me because I don't believe that love is about chocolate and roses and candy hearts.

Love isn't about the butterflies in your stomach or the giddy-little-girl-laughter that overtakes your soul when your fella' says something mildly funny.  Love isn't about that feeling in deep in the pit of your stomach or the pounding of your heart when your person walks in the room.  It isn't about the cards or the letters or the hugs or the kisses.  

Love is what remains when all those things are gone.  Love is a decision that even on the worst of days, in the worst of times, even on days absent of chocolate and roses and candy hearts (which I don't like anyway) and butterflies in your stomach that you would rather be with no other person, ever.  That, friends, is love.  

And even though the candy chocolate and roses and candy hearts are an important and precious part of love, they certainly aren't the most beautiful part of love.  So, on Valentine's Day, I prefer to celebrate love without the frill, which is exactly what we did, because, after all, the frill won't last.

We spent a quiet night at home, eating Alaskan Cod over rice, and it was lovely.

I hope your day was lovely too,

1 comment:

  1. My love for you is boundless. Your intelligence, empathy, and love and understanding of the new Covenant is inspiring and draws my id and soul to want to know you just a whole big ole bunch.
