Saturday, June 5, 2010

What I'm Reading Now. . .Satisfying a Hunger

You may have noticed (but you probably didn't) that my "What I'm Reading Now" list is growing beyond its normal size. Here's what's happened to my normal reading habits:

Usually, I stick to reading one book at a time; I don't like to confuse plot lines and characters. Lately, though, it's like I've been hungry to read. Yes, I said it; I have a hunger for reading. This hunger has led me to revise my regular rules of reading.

The dictionary will stay on my reading list for the duration of 2010. (I'm really going to need to get on that dictionary reading to reach my goal, huh?)

I started reading Cleaving before school was out, but in the move home from the dorm, it has gotten jumbled in all of my things and is currently missing in action. So, it's just on my current reading list because I haven't finished it. Lame, I know.

I decided that I needed to read poetry on a more regular basis. If you don't know, I am a HUGE fan of poetry. It's difficult; it's interesting; it's beautiful. Poetry is my thing. Don't be mistaken, though. Poetry being my "thing" doesn't mean I claim to be a scholar; I just enjoy working through poetry. So, I decided to read Colossus again. I read it for an American Lit class while I was at Harding, and I really enjoyed it. I want to read through it again just for pleasure; I definitely won't be as rushed.

I've been reading and enjoying Women Food and God, but it's not exactly a novel that I would confuse with another, so I decided to add Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging to my list. I'm planning on starting that one right after I finish this post; I borrowed the book from a friend who promised it wouldn't disappoint, so I'm pretty excited to get going.

I've never had a current reading list be so long, but I'm really very excited about it. In school, I always enjoyed reading multiple works at the same time and juggling my reading schedules, so it makes sense that I would enjoy that in my personal reading schedule, right? Yes. Okay, so it definitely makes sense in theory, but I'll let you know how it goes in practice. I'll either fall in love with this whole idea, or I'll drive myself insane. Either way, I gave it shot.

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