Monday, June 13, 2011

Thoughts of the Sundry Variety

Sometimes, I don't know what to blog about, which has been the case as of late.  This becomes the trouble when my focus is the trouble.

Last week was lovely, full of Harry Potter, fajitas, and VBS.  It was great.

Lately, my head has been so full of thoughts and questions and wonderings that it's been almost impossible to get things done. I said "almost," mind you.  I've been getting most everything done, except blogging, that is.

On our Memorial Day Getaway, my mom said lots of funny things.  Here are a few that I recorded:

Upon arriving to a nice shopping area Mom says, "This is a nice place.  We should come here."  I reply, "We are here."  Mom says, looking confused, "Oh."

While Hub, Daddy, and I have a conversation in the living room about figuring out who some actress was in some movie Dad says, "Was that the blonde girl?"  Mom looks up from her work at the kitchen table and asks, "What?  Is she naked?"

While perusing through pamphlets I ask, "Do those men have teeth?"  Mom answers, "They are brothers."

I keep losing my train of thought.

You want to know a word I have trouble spelling.  Actually, I always spell it correctly, but I always want to spell it incorrectly.  That word is lose. (or any variation thereof)  
Since choose has a double O, and it sounds the same as lose, wouldn't it stand to reason that lose should be spelled loose.  But, I suppose lose can't be spelled loose because then how would we spell loose?  Are you following this?  I feel as though it's important.  Sort of.  Anyway, I've always had trouble with double letters.  Perhaps I'll expound on that at a later date.  

Since I'm rereading the Harry Potter series, it has come to my attention how useful a house elf would be.  I would treat my house elf with kindness, you know.  I wouldn't be one of those terrible people who mistreats house elves.  No, no.  I am always appreciative of a helping hand.  I have said all of this to say, if you know how to get a house elf or of any good house elves out of work or really anything about real, live house elves, give me a shout.

I have to go now because I don't have a house elf, and my kitchen is a wreck.


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