Monday, February 14, 2011

July 23, 2010: The Ladies had a Luncheon...

The dining room was quaint and daintily decorated in shades of blue.  We gathered around tables and nibbled our salads in between stories and giggles and photo opportunities. When we'd finished our fruity dessert and the last photo had been taken, we all went our separate ways with hugs and well wishes and see you tonights.  It was just a little luncheon with some of the most important women in my life, but I think it was a luncheon I'd always dreamed about.  I felt calm.  I felt ready.  I was ready to get married. I was ready to grow into the woman I so desperately want to become.  I was ready to accept advice.  I was ready to believe in something bigger than myself.  I was ready, really ready, to walk down the aisle.  Saturday was coming, and I was ready.


  1. I like your post. I'm glad you were ready. I was ready. I was tired of people asking me if I was ready. Happy hearts day.

  2. You were not ready. You were worse than Steve Martin. :)

  3. You have been married over six months, and guess what!!! He still isn't ready!!! To the two, I love best!!! Mama
