Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Here's What's Happening Now...

I just finished reading Julie & Julia. It was a very good read, a wonderful book. I got the book for Christmas, and I also received Julie Powell's second novel, Cleaving, and I am excited to read that soon (or maybe not so soon since my life is consumed with, well, life). At any rate, I'm excited to read that novel as well. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about how I made a guinea pig of Julie & Julia; it was quite fun.

So, as the title of the post promises, here is what is happening in my life right now:

Most of the gang is here. Charles is missing because she is at work right now. That's right, Charles is a girl. Please note that her parents are not cruel human beings; (from what I hear, her mother is a saint) they did not, in fact, name her Charles. Charles is a precious nickname that I gave her. (Incidentally, I'll be referring to all of my friends by their nicknames because I think it's more fun that way.)

Okay, so Charles isn't here, but the rest of us are.

I am in my room typing this blog post. Before I began this endeavor, I had just finished reading a good novel. I had to start reading the novel in the first place to serve as an escape from the Mini Panic Attacks that were looming over my head.

~MPA 1: I filled in my planner, and it's looking like the next five weeks are going to be insane. Are my teachers neurotic? How in the world can all these assignments be completed in FIVE WEEKS? I do not have super powers; oh dear, I'll probably just have to fail everything. Wait, I can't fail now; it's my last semester for crying out loud!

~MPA 2: It's my last semester?!?! I'm going to be done with college? Didn't I just get my high school diploma in May? (For anyone who lost track, I got it in 2007) I don't want to leave my friends; they're my family. I need them. I can't believe I'm graduating (I know, I used the 'g-word, but I felt it was appropriate) and getting married.

~MPA 3: Married!? What am I going to do about my wedding and the guest list and inadvertently leaving people off and someone getting their feelings hurt and other people wondering why we even invited them and who all is actually going to show up in Seaside to witness my nuptials and what if no one comes and what if everyone comes and what if everyone turns out to be more than 200 people (that's how many the chapel holds) and what if I don't find a dress.

And the 'what-ifs' ensued, so I opted for a nice escape-read and one of the cupcakes Too baked (they were delicious!), and now I'm here.

Kanis and Too are in the living room working on Too's Rubik's Cube; Kanis is teaching Too how to solve it using logic. Kanis is saying things like:
~"See, that's how it works! Isn't that so awesome! You just use all this weird logic and it works out!"

~"Once you figure out how to solve it, you'll be so happy. It just takes some practice."

~"It uses all this cool logic that's kind of confusing but so much fun, and it keeps my brain happy."

~"Look at you! You're ready for the next step!"

All this business with the cube is a bit over my head, and all those little squares make me a bit nervous anyway, so I just smile and nod and say encouraging things to Too as she embarks on this cube solving journey.

Tater is in the kitchen scrubbing feverishly at a cupcake pan that has a ridiculous amount of that baked-on, brown, burnt-looking goo that appears on metal baking pans. When you get a good look at it, it's pretty gross, so she's doing her best to remove it.

La is about to go to bed. That's right, I live with a college student who works hard to get in bed by 10 on a regular basis. It's quite cute, actually.

There you have it, folks. The Tuesday night happenings in Shores 204. In case you're concerned, the MPAs are no longer looming over my head; don't worry.

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