Friday, October 23, 2009

Farwell, Emily (for now)

Well, it's over (my Senior Symposium, that is).

I presented my paper at 3:00 today along with Tabitha and Sadie (some of my dearest friends) who are also English majors. My presentation went rather smoothly, and thanks to an amazing second reader, I was asked questions that were coherent and answerable.

Overall, I count this day as a success! I feel as though an enormous burden has been lifted off of my shoulders. Throughout this process, I learned so many things, and I am quite grateful to have had this experience.

I am surprised to find that I still love Emily Dickinson's poetry, for I was afraid that I would grow tired of hearing her voice and trying to delve into the inner workings of her mind. Perhaps I tired of this a little, but not as much as I thought I would. Granted, I do not want to talk about her poems on death or anything about negative capability for the next several days, but I am not completely burned out on the discussion ;).

Mostly, I am just glad to be finished. Senior Symposium is a milestone, another rite of passage for the undergrad, and I completed it. Thank goodness.