Thursday, November 25, 2010

(some of) The Things I'm Thankful For. (in no particular order) (categorized for convenience)

1. The Holy Bible
2. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
3. The Color Purple by Alice Walker

People I Don't Know
1. The Presidents of the United States of America. All of them.
2. Nelle Carlile Maris
3. Stephanie Nielson

1. The Sound of Music
2. The Man Who Knew Too Much
3. The Jungle Book

1. Que Sera, Sera by Doris Day
2. Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
3. You are My Sunshine

1. Walking down the aisle to get married.
2. Being a teacher of toddlers.
3. Having guests in Tucky. ("Tucky" is how I know refer to our new home state, Kentucky).

1. When Kitty held my hand just before I walked down the aisle.
2. My 13th birthday.
3. Seaside

1. Avocados
2. Chocolate
3. Macaroni and Cheese

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

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