Sunday, March 7, 2010

RoomOne: LessonOne

My first lesson was fun; it was glorious.

I taught on block day, so class was an hour-and-a-half long. I don't know if you remember being 14, but that's a long time for any high school freshmen to sit still. So, I divided class into two sections. For the first 45 minutes or so we talked about how to write introductions and conclusions. This was to prepare them for writing their research papers. After we finished the lesson, they all began writing their introductions.

It was a beautiful class period. Mrs. S and I tag teamed it and helped students as questions arose. In case you're wondering, many questions arose. The classroom was a constant chorus of "Miss Maris, Mrs. S, Miss Maris, Mrs. S." It was a beautiful chorus.

The thing I remember most about the two times I gave this lesson was the great amount of joy and satisfaction I received when the students applied the knowledge I had just given them to their work. Those special moments when their eyes would light up with the great realization that they had gotten it.

I knew then that my suspicions were correct. I was, indeed, supposed to be a teacher.

The more time I spend in RoomOne, the more clear it all becomes. The task laid before me may be a difficult one, but I intend to be the best teacher I can be, and I'm super excited about that! :)

My prayer for all of you is that you find something to do in your lives that gives you the joy and satisfaction that I find in teaching.

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