Friday, July 8, 2011

Meet Miss Maisie!

is a 9 week old Miniature Dachshund. 
Her favorite pastimes are chewing, running around the apartment at warp speeds, cuddling, and sleeping.  She has two temperaments: asleep and crazy.
Hub and I love her so very dearly; it borders on ridiculous.  We don't care.
Her fur is three different colors: black, white/gray, and the typical dachshund red.
She is beautiful.
She is very tiny (fewer than 3 pounds).
Her right eye is brown; her left eye is half brown and half blue.  You can see it a little in the picture above.  I love her eyes.
Currently, she is learning how to potty outside, sleep through the night, and distinguish what is an is not an appropriate chew toy.  She is also starting to learn her name.  I probably don't help with this because along with calling her "Maisie" I also refer to her as 
Maisie Daisy
Maisie Moo
Puppy Tuppy
Turkey Lurkey
Little Lady
Crazy Maisie
Little Devil Dog
I think there are more, but you get the point.
She  has just mastered going all the way up and all the way down the stairs all by herself.  It's quite humorous to watch.
She is so much fun and so full of energy.  These pictures would probably lead you to believe that I'm lying about the full of energy part, but when she's moving, it's all too fast for a camera.  (at least to fast for my phone's camera, from which all these pictures came)

She likes to play with iPhones; her nose can operate them.  Her favorite t.v. show is Bones, and she would prefer that I never read; she especially hates, but loves to chew, magazines.
Her favorite place to be is in someone's lap, and she is very friendly.

She is not a big fan of being left alone, even if we are just a room away, so she is usually right at our feet.  I like that.

Soon* I'll tell you how Hub and I came to adopt such a fabulously fiesty little puppy.  I think it's a good story.

Maisie sends her love,  

*I'm going to stop saying I'll post things "tomorrow" and start saying I'll post things "soon." That way, when I don't things posted on the appropriate "tomorrow," I won't feel so guilty. 

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