Monday, September 20, 2010

How Much is TOO Much?

Having all online classes, using my cell phone regularly to call and text, relying on email for important communication, using Facebook and Twitter as social networking outlets, and reading the news on my phone has me feeling a little too plugged-in lately.

It makes me wonder what all of this technology does to our brains and what effect it has on our interactions. Mind you, I'm not bashing technology. I'm all for it. Lately, though, I just feel a little stuck to it.

I mean, we've got two computers, cell phones that are more like mini-computers, iPods, televisions, and other gadgets. Information is instantly accessible, at any time. And it leaves me wondering if this is always a good thing.

Does using all of this technology diminish the authenticity of my real-time, non-virtual interactions? I'm afraid it might, and that makes me wonder about what it's doing to everybody else. (because believe you me, I know plenty of people who are far more stuck to their technology than I am, and they don't feel stuck at all)

Even though I'm interested in what these all-access passes to any information and communication we want is doing to the world, I'm not really interested in giving too much of it up. Sure, I want to feel unstuck, but I don't want to give up time on Facebook that's used to talk to friends far away or phone time to talk to Mom and Dad or texting to chat with whoever or blogging to accomplish whatever that accomplishes. Ya know? I'm too invested to give it all up now, which is a pretty scary and thought provoking statement in and of itself.

P.S. Do you think it's ironic that I'm blogging about wanting to be unstuck from technology? (because I totally do)

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